Tweetwall for #innovadores35 meetup

#innovadores35 meetup was celebrated on the 3rd of December in Madrid and brought together a big number of social entrepreneurs.


Yarr TV tweetwall boosted the meetup by projecting tweets and Twitter photos of the attendees on the screens of the event.

If you missed this event, you can watch it in the following video.

Let’s boost your meetup in social media

We develop solutions for your meetup to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV

Tweetwall for #IESRF2015 meetup

#ieSRF2015 meetup was celebrated on the 27th and 28th of November in Madrid and brought together a big number of social entrepreneurs.


Yarr TV tweetwall boosted the meetup by projecting tweets and Twitter photos of the attendees on the screens of the event.

Let’s boost your meetup in social media

We develop solutions for your meetup to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV

Tweetwall for #ActitudSocial conference

#ActitudSocial conference was celebrated on the 18th of November in Marbella and brought together a big number of online marketers.


Yarr TV tweetwall boosted the conference by projecting tweets and Twitter photos of the attendees on the screens of the event.

If you missed this event, you can watch it in the following video.

Let’s boost your conference in social media

We develop solutions for your conference to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV

Tweetwall for #GEWSpain2015 conference

#GEWSpain2015 main conference was celebrated on the 16th of November in Madrid and brought together a big number of entrepreneurs.


Yarr TV tweetwall boosted the conference by projecting tweets and Twitter photos of the attendees on the screens of the event.

If you missed this event, you can watch it in the following video.

Let’s boost your conference in social media

We develop solutions for your conference to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV

Tweetwall for #ForoJusticiaDigital conference

#ForoJusticiaDigital conference was celebrated on the 8th of October in Madrid and brought together a big number of professionals experts in justice.


Yarr TV tweetwall boosted the conference by projecting tweets and Twitter photos of the attendees on the screens of the event.

If you missed this event, you can watch it in the following video.

Let’s boost your conference in social media

We develop solutions for your conference to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV

Tweetwall for #FuturoDelRetail meetup

The Future of Retail meetup was celebrated on the 6th of October in Madrid and brought together a big number of professionals experts in retail trends.


Yarr TV tweetwall boosted the meetup by projecting tweets and Twitter photos of the attendees on the screens of the event.

If you missed this event, you can watch it in the following video.

Let’s boost your meetup in social media

We develop solutions for your meetup to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV

Tweetwall for the national convention of stores #CSExito15

The 4th edition of the national convention of stores #CSExito15 was celebrated on the 24, 25 and 26 of september in Granada and brought together more than 250 franchisees and employees of Computer Store.


Yarr TV tweetwall boosted the convention by projecting tweets and Twitter photos of the attendees on the screens of the auditorium.

Some photos of this event.





Let’s boost your convention in social media

We develop solutions for your convention to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV

popArb music festival social media wall

popArb music festival took place in Arbúcies on the 26th and 27th of June.


Yarr TV social media wall was used to display tweets and Twitter and Instagram photos on screens.

?? – A veure si sabeu on som. #poparb15

Una foto publicada por Moi (@oioimoi) el

Visca el @poparb i Visca l'Amor! #rebonicos #laJoiadelMontseny #elmillorPopArb #PopArb #PopArb15 #cadadiaunhomenatge

Una foto publicada por Sara Segarra Vidal (@segarreta) el

Let’s boost your festival in social media

We develop solutions for your festival to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV

DesafioKlout meetup tweetwall

DesafioKlout meetup was celebrated on the 26th of June in Málaga with the intention of increasing Klout score of participants.


Yarr TV tweetwall was helping by displaying tweets and Twitter photos on the screens of the meetup.

If you missed this event, you can watch it in the following video.

Let’s boost your meetup in social media

We develop solutions for your meetup to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV

AAU national volleyball championships social media wall

The AAU national volleyball championships organized by the AAU Volleyball took place in Orlando from June 15th through June 26th. 11 days of volleyball with approximately 27,000 players and 5,600 coaches competing on 183 courts makes AAU nationals one of the biggest volleyball events in the world.


Yarr TV social media wall was used to project tweets and Twitter and Instagram photos at the Orange County Convention Center.


Photo credit: Amanda Szylin

Let’s boost your championship in social media

We develop solutions for your championship to be a success in social media, let’s talk!
Rafa Roda
Rafa Roda – CEO of Yarr TV
Phone (+34) 629 436 321 Twitter @YarrTV